sahabat dan sahabaiah Followers

7 Sunnah Hebat

Pertama: Tahajjud, (n_n) ♥

kerana kemuliaan seorang mukmin terletak pada tahajjudnya. Pastinya doa mudah termakbul dan menjadikan kita semakin hampir dengan Allah.

Kedua: Membaca Al-Qur’an sebelum terbit matahari, (n_n) ♥♥

alangkah baiknya sebelum mata melihat dunia, sebaiknya mata membaca Al-Qur’an terlebih dahulu dengan penuh pemahaman. Paling tidak jika sesibuk manapun kita, bacalah ayat 3Qul, atau ayat qursi.

Ketiga: Jangan tinggalkan masjid terutama di waktu subuh. (n_n) ♥♥♥

Sebelum melangkah kemana pun langkahkan kaki ke mesjid, kerana masjid merupakan pusat keberkahan, bukan kerana panggilan muadzin tetapi panggilan Allah yang mencari orang beriman untuk memakmurkan masjid Allah.

Keempat: Jaga sholat dhuha , (n_n) ♥♥♥♥

kerana kunci rezeki terletak pada solat dhuha. Yakinlah, kesan solat dhuha sangat dasyat dalam mendatangkan rezeki.

Kelima: Jaga sedekah setiap hari. (n_n) ♥♥♥♥♥

Allah menyukai orang yang suka bersedekah, dan malaikat Allah selalu mendoakan kepada orang yang bersedekah setiap hari. Percayalah, sedekah yang diberikan akan dibalas oleh Allah berlipat kali ganda.

Keenam: Jaga wudhu terus menerus, (n_n) ♥♥♥♥♥♥

kerana Allah menyayangi hamba yang berwudhu. Kata khalifah Ali bin Abu Thalib, “Orang yang selalu berwudhu senantiasa ia akan merasa selalu solat walau ia sedang tidak solat, dan dijaga oleh malaikat dengan dua doa, ampuni dosa dan sayangi dia ya Allah”.

Ketujuh: Amalkan istighfar setiap saat. (n_n) ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Dengan istighfar masalah yang terjadi kerana dosa kita akan dijauhkan oleh Allah.
Zikir adalah bukti syukur kita kepada Allah. Bila kita kurang bersyukur, maka kita kurang berzikir pula, oleh kerana itu setiap waktu harus selalu ada penghayatan dalam melaksanakan ibadah ritual dan ibadah ajaran Islam lainnya. Zikir juga merupakan makanan rohani yang paling bergizi, dan dengan zikir berbagai kejahatan dapat ditangkal sehingga jauhlah umat manusia dari sifat-sifat yang berpangkal pada materialisme dan hedonisme.

Wednesday 25 April 2012

think of ALLAH everytimes...

: ''A little girl once taught me the meaning of appreciating things in life - i saw her smiling to nothing in particular,and i asked her, what was the smile for. she grinned and replied, 'i am smiling because i am grateful to God that i can still smile'.''


we still remamber of ALLAH... everytime insyaallah....


Always Remember Him …InshaAllah…
Everything will be fine..



Boy and Girl

BOY:                goodbye.
GIRL: don’t u love me? : (
BOY:           yes, I love u.
GIRL:           then, why? : (
BOY: I  ♥ ALLAH more.

Allah is everything...

v(n____n) nice...

Do not love
the one who doesn’t
love Allah, If they can
leave Allah
they will leave you


read this Dua'...

“Oh my Rabb! Open my heart, easy my task and
 remove the impediments from my speech so that
They may understand what I say.”

Dua of Prophet Musa (as)

♥ in Love...

LOVE … (n___n)




Love UMMI and ABAH




Love JANNAH (Heaven)

Love everything can give me to think of ALLAH and Rasulullah…


 [سبحان الله] Allah is the best…

Saturday 14 April 2012

Before we sleep...insyaallah...(~____~) zzzZZZZ..

My Favorite surah... (n___n) <3 surah al-Mulk...
very feeling well when we hear and watch this video..... 

Subahanallah, Walhamdulillah, Wa Laa ilaaha illallah, Allahu Akbar..

Friday 13 April 2012

ALLAH is my POWER...

Allah is my Power.

Allah is my Power.
Allah is my Power.
Allah is my Power.
Allah is my Power.

Allah is my Power.

✦ Communicate with ALLAH and be of the Peaceful & Successful Ones✦ 

(n____n) <3 i'm proud to be a muslim...

Thursday 15 March 2012

Remember for ALLAH .. insyaallah...

Insha'allah lyrics by maher zain

Everytime you feel like you cannot go on
You feel so lost
And That you're so alone
All you see is night
And darkness all around
You feel so helpless
You can't see which way to go
Don't despair and never lose hope
Cause Allah is always by your side

Insha Allah [x2]
Insha Allah you'll find your way
Insha Allah [x2]
Insha Allah you'll find your way

Every time you commit one more mistake
You feel you can't repent
And that it's way too late
You're so confused, wrong decisions you have made
Haunt your mind and your heart is full of shame

But don't despair and never lose hope
Cause Allah is always by your side
[ From : ]

Insha Allah [x2]

Insha Allah you'll find your way
Insha Allah [x2]
Insha Allah you'll find your way

Turn to Allah
He's never far away
Put your trust in Him
Raise your hands and pray
OOO Ya Allah
Guide my steps don't let me go astray
You're the only one who can show me the way
Show me the way [x3]

Insha Allah [x2]
Insha Allah we'll find our way
Insha Allah [x2]
Insha Allah we'll find our way
Insha Allah [x2]
Insha Allah we'll find our way
Insha Allah [x2]
Insha Allah we'll find our way
Insha Allah [x2]
Insha Allah we'll find our way
Insha Allah [x2]
Insha Allah we'll find our way

 p/s: Feeling well when I hear this song… feeling like ALLAH very near with me…  insyaallah… may ALLAH bless us…amin…

Love ALLAH swt so much (>n_n)> ...♥………………….and Rasulullah saw  <(n_n<)   ...         …………………………

Tuesday 6 March 2012

First Salam and First entry.. (n__n)

Assalamualaikum wbt….

This is my first entry…  for introduction…Firstly, let me introduce my self

My name is Umar Farid Bin Jamhari.
My matrix number is 207299.
I’m studying at Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM).
I’m doing Bachelor Business Administration (BBA HONS).
I come from Sekinchan Selangor.

I have five sibling, and I'm the third.
I’m 21 years old.

this is my picture... (n_n)v peace

The purpose I write this entry is because my lecture from subject STID1103 COMPUTER APPLICATION IN MANAGEMENT (Group H) give the assignment .He want my group member and I built a blog for each of the members.

You all want to know  who is my lecture??? HAHA \(^_______^)/
He is the nice person
He is the kind person
He is the good person

It’s look like “BODEK”..but insha allah…ALLAH was knows who his servants who is sincerely…

He is Mohd Tarmizi Bin Musa and He is my lecture… nice right??? Like the name of imam at-tarmizi …

Subahanallah… WOW…
I’m trying to write in english… Hopefully …anyone can help me to improve my english after this… (n__n)

Alhamdulillah…very thanks for ALLAH give me chance to do this write for this entry…hopefully will get the highest mark after thisin this course…ameen…

ALLAH is the best...

ALLAH is the best...
himpunan doa